It’s Grumpy Cat’s world, we just live in it. (Photo: Anna Hanks) We Promise That We Aren’t Making This Stuff Up: A Field Report on SXSW Interactive and Film from an Embedded...
Covering Music, Film and Pop Culture
It’s Grumpy Cat’s world, we just live in it. (Photo: Anna Hanks) We Promise That We Aren’t Making This Stuff Up: A Field Report on SXSW Interactive and Film from an Embedded...
Craigslist Wearing a bear suit at Whole Foods Bar – w4m – 27 (Whole Foods Lamar) Were you wearing a bear costume at the Whole Foods Bar a few weeks ago?...
When I heard the Flaming Lips were playing a SXSW show at Auditorium Shores, I couldn’t help think about the last time that the Flaming Lips played a large show in Austin.
Back in 2010, I was working on a column about people with disabilities at the Austin City Limits Music Festival. I ran across Wayne Coyne, the lead singer of the Flaming Lips in the festival’s media area. He was waiting for an interview with MTV, I was trying to stay in the shade so I didn’t melt.
Photo Credit: Steve Hopson HEB Allendale – W4M Date: 2013-01-13, 6:34PM I just left HEB off 2222 and burnet and I am absolutely convinced that every sexy man in Austin was in that store...
I’ve never really thought of the car wash as being a super fun place, but I guess it’s just because I don’t really know how to have a good time.
It often seems that the way we celebrate Valentine’s Day in this country is all about making single people feel bad and getting couples to spend money on each...
As a Southerner who had at least three great grandfathers fight on the Confederate side of the Civil War, I have a problematic relationship with the old Confederate flag.
Zoos have a lot of things: they have feeding times, cute baby animals and lots of stylish creatures sporting always fashionable cheetah, giraffe, leopard and zebra prints!
Yet as nearly anyone who has ever been to the zoo knows, practically the most exciting thing that can happen during your zoo visit is catching two animals in the process of making more animals. That means anytime you head to the zoo and find a crowd assembled—what you’ve often stumbled across is two beasts making the beast with two backs.
I’m thrilled to bring you my very first guest post on this site, written by my very, very clever friend Robert Arjet. When he hinted at this take on a Super Bowl commercial on social media, I invited him to write the post below!
By Robert Arjet
I’m a big fan of the Super Bowl commercials. That means that every year, after the game, I get involved in discussions about the best and the worst and (sadly) the most offensive. This year I was participating in a Facebook comment thread about the pointing out the gender issues of Audi’s Superbowl ad, and someone else said one of the things that just gets right under my skin during conversations like this. They said: “You’re thinking about it waaaay too much.”
I always see you in the parking lot or walking up to your apartment. I always want to say hi but it just never pans out. Maybe next time I’ll wave? You have no idea how much you intrigue me.Te ves muy bien :)