Category: photo

Someone used one of my pictures! Again!

Oh look, someone used one of my pictures in a blog post. It’s the little things that matter.But, let’s be honest. Not many people other than me would be taking pictures of a 7-11...

Things You Find when you Google Yourself!

I create things, then I forget all about them. Once I’ve published something–or posted a picture on flickr—I tend to forget about whatever it is. I’ve never really been all that curious about how people interact with what I create, once a window of about three days has passed.

I figure, if I spelled anyone’s name wrong, or forgot anything important, it would turn up during that three days. (Three days is, not un-coincidentally, about the turnaround for a huffy letter-to-the-editor to arrive, citing exactly what someone is unhappy about. Trust me on this.)