Oh look, more pictures on the Internets!
When I told my sweetie that someone else was using some of my pictures to illustrate an article on Latvia, he quipped that it must be the cousin of one of my friends there!...
Covering Music, Film and Pop Culture
When I told my sweetie that someone else was using some of my pictures to illustrate an article on Latvia, he quipped that it must be the cousin of one of my friends there!...
Like a lot of people, I’m still recovering from SXSW, specifically the SXSW-crud.Putzing around on the internet in my feverish state, I found some of my pictures were on a site called the Flickr...
Oh look, someone used one of my pictures in a blog post. It’s the little things that matter.But, let’s be honest. Not many people other than me would be taking pictures of a 7-11...
I create things, then I forget all about them. Once I’ve published something–or posted a picture on flickr—I tend to forget about whatever it is. I’ve never really been all that curious about how people interact with what I create, once a window of about three days has passed.
I figure, if I spelled anyone’s name wrong, or forgot anything important, it would turn up during that three days. (Three days is, not un-coincidentally, about the turnaround for a huffy letter-to-the-editor to arrive, citing exactly what someone is unhappy about. Trust me on this.)