I had some things to say about the new movie “Jackie”
You can read my column about the new movie “Jackie” this morning in the Dallas Morning News. Your mileage may vary. Here are some of the other sights of the LBJ Library…
Covering Music, Film and Pop Culture
You can read my column about the new movie “Jackie” this morning in the Dallas Morning News. Your mileage may vary. Here are some of the other sights of the LBJ Library…
When I was an undergraduate at the University of Texas at Austin, the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library was free for everyone. My big family was often looking for something to do on their...
Like a lot of people, I’ve taken the news of Donald Trump’s election victory quite hard—harder than the results of any other election in my life. Since the heart-wrenching returns came in I’ve been...
You’ve heard the one about people whistling past the graveyard, to hide their fear? What would you say if you’d seen film festival-goers up to their elbows in a prop body? During Fantastic Fest...
Every so often you stumble across an indie film that’s so fresh and lively sparkling and tightly edited that you can see the platonic ideal of what a film comedy should be. “Diani...
As we get older, our bodies change. Hair grows in places, it goes away in other places. Wrinkles form, things move around. Nothing stays the same. But no one expects to grow a...
The new film American Honey, written and directed by Andrea Arnold which screened as part of Fantastic Fest, is a riveting take on what life if like for poorly parented teenagers in America’s...
Earlier this month noted political blogger Andrew Sullivan had an essay in New York Magazine, where he talked about leaving the Internet and social media for his health. Sullivan talks about our recent change...
I’m all for bar games, but the new “Satanic Panic” room at the Highball in Austin, Texas may be a bit too far. Unveiled as part of Fantastic Fest, the room will be continue...