Category: festival

Austin Psych Fest Photo Essay (2013)

On the Friday night of Psych Fest, 2013, the weather was perfect and the bands were groovy.
The first band I saw after driving straight from Houston was the middle-eastern sounds of Tinariwen.
This was followed by a blistering performance by the Suuns, which was just as intense as their show during SXSW 2013.

Austin Psych Fest: A First Look Back at the 6th Annual Festival

I’ve been to a lot of music festivals, but I’d never been to Austin Psych Fest before this weekend.

In many ways the festival felt a lot more hippie and a lot less corporate than a lot of music festivals.
(It would be harder to get much more corporate than South By Southwest or the Austin City Limits Music Fesival!)

The Time Wayne Coyne and I Called Latvia, Woke Up My Friend, and Gave the Latvian Tabloids Some Copy!

When I heard the Flaming Lips were playing a SXSW show at Auditorium Shores, I couldn’t help think about the last time that the Flaming Lips played a large show in Austin.

Back in 2010, I was working on a column about people with disabilities at the Austin City Limits Music Festival. I ran across Wayne Coyne, the lead singer of the Flaming Lips in the festival’s media area. He was waiting for an interview with MTV, I was trying to stay in the shade so I didn’t melt.

Scenes From the SPIN Party, SXSW 2012

While we’re thinking about the upcoming SXSW, it’s hard not to think about last year’s party. Here’s a couple of picture from last year’s event! Santigold Evil Eyes, after her band’s set!

Holy Motors: A Dream Logic Film

The logic of dreams is its own kind of magic, following its own rules and associations. First you were one place, then something happened, and you were completely another place…then you were a turtle.

No matter how vivid and magical your dreams are, trying to explain your dreams to anyone else is daunting.