Author: Anna

Vintage Treasures From Deep Inside My Brain.

As a few of you may have noticed, this web site has recently had a redesign. As part of this, I spent some time delving through my hard drive, looking for saved copies of...

Someone used one of my pictures! Again!

Oh look, someone used one of my pictures in a blog post. It’s the little things that matter.But, let’s be honest. Not many people other than me would be taking pictures of a 7-11...

My close encounter with winter:

It’s snowing again in Boston. Again. I know, I know. It’s kind of what’s expected right now, what with it being the darkest part of the year. “January in the Northeast…would you expect anything...

Snowpocalypse ’11

I’ve been lucky enough to be on the East Coast this past week for a close encounter with some VERY Winter weather. I know I’m from Texas, but I assure you that things have...

It’s Cold in Boston.

Originally uploaded by annainaustin Just wanted to share this picture of snowy Boston with you. There’s more to come on my close encounter with Snowpocalypse ’11!