Author: Anna

FILM: BELLFLOWER (2011) is a Bad Bromance

The car from the film visiting Austin, Texas during SXSW 2011 Last week I saw the movie BELLFLOWER, which, based on the trailers and the general buzz about the film following Sundance, I had...

Eating in the airport

Thanks to a summer of discount travel, I’ve spent a lot of time in airports. Since I’m too cheap to buy a first class ticket–and too impatient to put up with long layovers–my frequent...

A Video with Duke and Chuckie

 Last time they were here, my Latvian houseguests made a video about Duke and Charlie. We lost Chuckie this past August (at the age of 10), and we lost Duke this week (he was...

FOOD: New England Seafood

I spent last week seeing the sights of New England with my family. Being that it’s my family, it included a lot of stops for noshing.  (And a few stops for shopping.) Pictured on...

Madness at the Movies

Recently, I’ve watched both the French film Seraphine (2008) and the most recent cinematic version of Jane Eyre. The representation of madness in these films couldn’t be much different. In Seraphine–based on the real...