Author: Anna

Mr. Spanky And The Very Bad Teeth

Over the last few weeks, my dog Mr. Spanky has had a swelling under his left eye that has gotten worse and worse. Before Easter Spanky was seen by my regular Veterinarian–who wasn’t sure...

I Have More Pictures On the Internets!

Somehow I missed a picture of the Austin “Game of Thrones” Pedicabs at SXSW appearing in this Mashable article during SXSW this year! I was amused to see a picture of Imagine Dragons that...

The Women Who Have Songs In My Head

At the moment, there are two women who have playing in my head. One is Australian singer-songwriter Courtney Barnett. I’ve been trying to decipher the lyrics to her song “Avant Gardener” for months now....

CATALIN by CHARLES LONG at the Contemporary Austin

Today I managed to get to the Charles Long exhibit at the Jones Center at 7th and Congress to see the CATALIN exhibit. I even managed to hit free day! Since I had overbooked...