Author: Anna
The Death of Retail, Pasadena Edition
The department store that I grew up going to just closed, and it feels like a death in the retail family. Opened as a stand-alone Foley’s in 1962, the store was later expanded, then...
SXSW Social Media Snapshot
I did a lot of things during SXSW, apart from that long piece in the Dallas Morning News. You can catch up on them in this social media snapshot.
Dude by Dudewest
This South by Southwest I wrote a long opinion piece for the Dallas Morning News, which was in the Sunday paper yesterday. You can also read it online.
Thursday Fader Fort Lineup at SXSW + Set Times
If you have a Fader Fort wristband, here’s the Thursday lineup. Don’t forget that Fader has moved to a new location. The dudes from White Denim are awesome, so don’t miss them! Today’s lineup...
Fader Fort: New Location for SXSW 2017
Every every South by Southwest is a little bit the same, a little bit different. This year from March 15-18th, the always fun Fader Fort will be back, but in a different location!. This...
Design spotlight: 1960s in Houston
I’ve been noticing a lot of the 1960s Houston while I’ve been here this week:
Social Media Snapshot of the Trump Inauguration
The Trump Inauguration is a bit of history. Here’s my social media snapshot of my experience.
My Social Media Snapshot of the Women’s March
Today I’m saying a few words about the Women’s March in D.C at an Austin fundraiser. If you want to see a little of what my experience of what it was like, you can...
Women’s March in D.C.: Some Pictures
In January I went to the Women’s March in D.C., and wrote about it for the Dallas Morning News. Here are some more pictures from the event! I