Author: Anna

I’d Missed Being In the Huff Post

In looking for something else, I found that I’d missed knowing that one of my tweets was embedded as content in a Huff Post story. The story is titled, “21 Hashtags That Changed The...

Fantastic Debates 2017

The Fantastic Debates are a thing that take place every year at Fantastic Fest . Here’s a snapshot of what happened this year. Enjoy the video/photos of Suki-Rose Simakis in her black jacket taking...

36 hours in Black Rock City

After Hurricane Harvey ended–and since my 80 year-old parents in the Houston suburbs were totally fine— I managed to get to Burning Man for a couple of days. Luckily I was camped with the...

My Hurricane Harvey

I was very fortunate that as Hurricane Harvey hit the Gulf Coast, my 80 year-old parents who stubbornly refused to leave their home on the coast were just fine. Their house (only 7 miles...

Entry into Black Rock City

Last week, after Harvey, I managed to get to Black Rock City. Here’s some video of my first view of the city! More photos of the event to come!

Total eclipse!

Thanks to having some friends in Nashville, I took the eclipse as the chance to pop in for a long overdue visit! People in Nashville were EXCITED about the eclipse But worried about the...